Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Fiery Bangla Chicken

I work with an ecclectic group of people who are involved with few projects we do. Half are crazy and the rest crazier. Most of them have inclination towards fine arts while they have to work in the industry to earn their livlihoods. There are also people from other walks of lives with inflated egos and deflated confidence.Therefore we have a heady mix of creativity, love life, joy, angst, hope, frustration and so much more. Once in a while we get together and cook offs take place, where the best cook cooks something and then the second best rustles up somethng edible, while the rest bullshit and drink .

One such day we got together and the bawarchis cooked, chatterjees chatted and one patrakarji ranted against the world. He taught a lesson to a liquor baron and instructed an agency to just do it while he obliged to eat with us . Who knows that it takes very little for a bubble to burst and that is what happened. Patrakarji's ex and his current also joined in. We thought that it is cool these days to be friends with your ex and show affection to your current. Patakar ji blamed the host for inviting his ex and they exchanged some fiery notes, made sombre with some east indian langage which makes abuses sound rounded .

In the meanwhile host's wife and I were involved in cooking. Now S, the host's wife is one great cook I have ever across. She says that she has learnt her cooking from her mother and grandmother who live in Calcutta. Her mother instructed her that one should be able to distinguish the smell of the dish, and strive to replicate the same . I would call it intuitive cooking and may be the best. The other day she cooked chicken in caramelized onion and tomatoes and added red chilli powder, haldi, few cloves, few cardamom for the flavor. She did not add garlic, ginger or garam masala which otherwise is a norm. The end product was the most flavorful chicken I had ever eaten. Follwoing is the recipe which I named Fiery Bangla Chicken.

Fiery Bangla Chicken

Serves: 4 Gluttons.


Chicken 1kg

Onion 500gms Cut into small pieces.

Tomatoes 250 Gms cut into small pieces.

Cardamom 8 pods

Cloves 8 nos. ( Remove the head or pod )

Red Chilli Dried 8 nos. ( Make a paste of it)

Red Chilli powder 1tsp

Turmeric 1tsp


Take oil and heat it. Put two dried red chillis and wait till it starts to crackle. Put onions and wait till starts to turn translucent which is five minutes. Add turmeric and cloves. Wait till onion leaves oil. Add tomato, stir. Add chilli paste, and don't wipe your sweat. Add chilli powder and turmeric powder. Stir and keep stirring for five minutes. Add chicken . Turn down flame to minimum and cover with the lid. Let the chicken cook for half an hour. Check if it is cooked. Add warm water if you want more gravy.

Fiery Chicken tastes with Steamed Rice and coke/beer.*

*I have cooked it twice and bot the times it has turned out wonderful.

Posted via web from abhishekrai's posterous

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